Tuesday 11 September 2012

Dissipating adrenaline

 Rather unfortunately, I think my wound is starting to come back to life, or perhaps the bruising is starting to come out. Yowsers. I couldn't possibly have overdone it could I?!!!!

Well, done now anyway. I shall take it a little more easy today with sofa based activities. I have the eldest with me today as it isn't a nursery day and I am pleased to say that she has requested to watch Choccywoccydoodah again, and also, some more of mummy's cooking programmes. Win win.

I have got to get an article written for work. By tomorrow, but it is only about 300 words or so so shouldn't be too hard. 

I have a second trip to the nurse booked for this afternoon and the dressing is definitely coming off  this time. It is less tight this morning as the swelling has gone down overnight, but I think it is time for me to see it. I shall dose myself up before I go. No heroism for me today.

Ah yes, the only downside of my eldest being with me all day is that I have to share my sofa! Once I work out how to, I shall share a photo!

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