Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Telling my boss

Having just about survived telling my parents and sister on the Sunday evening, I decide to come clean and tell my boss on the Monday - still only the 6th of August.

I'm riddled with guilt over ruining not only his Monday, but also his first day back from holiday, but by this stage I have to get it out and there's no way I can hide my day off on Wednesday. We have an auction on the Friday and if for some reason I don't feel able to work, it's only fair that I tell him now.

I am very fortunate in that my boss and I get on very well. We've known each other for 7.5 yrs and have an excellent working relationship.

I confessed that I'd arrived at 8am on his first day back to ruin his week. He took it really well, but is obviously very upset for me, which without wanting to sound horribly patronising, is very sweet. 

We agree a plan of action, which is basically that I'm not going to tell anyone else in the firm until I know for certain what the next lot of results will bring, which is fine by me. I'm back in denial and it suits my brain to try and avoid thinking and talking about if for a day or so.

Now for the strang thing - telling people, however much I'm dreading it, gets easier every time and actually makes me feel better. Is that an awful confession? 

So, now some of the key people in my life know, there's little to do other than try and remain calm before the next lot of tests come back on Wednesday. Hah.

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