Friday, 2 November 2012

Return of the Pink Ladies!

Well, we did it! on Tuesday we went well and truly pink, and my locks have been (sadly) binned, as my hair was too short to donate to the Little Princess Trust. 

The Gallery hairdressers in Norwich did the deed, and we absolutely amazing and didn't charge us a penny, despite the fact that we were there for over 4 hours and rather monopolised 3-4 of their team members! 

All in all it went very well, but short hair is going to take a while to get used to...... then it'll all fall out.... 

Here is a picture of my new "do"

And a link or two to some facebook albumns:

Pink Ladies

Pink Ladies 2 

Fund raising wise, it has been incredible - including gift aid, as at 2nd November we are over £3,300.

Virgin Money Giving  

There have been some articles in the local newspapers about our fund raising efforts, which are great, but I didn't realise that the "journalist" who interviewed me would be quite so explicit with her descriptions of what I've had done.... it is very, honest, shall we say?

Hey ho. Perhaps I'll keep my head down for a few days.

The whole point though is to raise awareness. I'm not ashamed of having had a mastectomy, and am not frightened to tell people I have cancer/am being treated for cancer. Whilst this is a part of my life I wish I wasn't going through it is what it is and I can't change it.

My hope is that if my life and my experiences are out there for people to read about, perhaps others might not be afraid to ask questions and will actually check themselves, and take the risk of cancer more seriously than I ever did.

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